Roadmap for SEO Campaigns
With this template you will be able to manage your SEO campaign giving enough details for your client to understand what, when, and why the suggested actions will be performed.
- Last Updated: September 27th, 2024
- Language: English and Spanish
GET TEMPLATEWith this Notion template you will be able to manage your SEO campaign in an easy and clear way for your client.
This template includes:
- List and Timeline views.
- View that shows the pending tasks.
- Each row allows you to add task description, date, owner, and SEO focused category.
September 27th, 2024
The view that shows the tasks of one month ago and after from today, and those that are pending, now are grouped by month for better reading.
December 1st, 2023
The download link was unified, and a ‘How to use it’ section was added with guidelines and recommendations for using the template.
February 17, 2023
- Changed the name of the general view.
- New view that shows the tasks of one month ago and after from today, and those that are pending.
February 13, 2023
Launch date. It includes:
- List and Timeline views.
- View that shows the pending tasks.
- Each row allows you to add task description, date, owner, and SEO focused category.
Buy Template
What is the payment method?
Payments are processed through PayPal. If you require any other payment options, please feel free to contact me at

What happens after I complete the payment?
You will receive an email containing instructions on how to download the template. Please note that the download link is temporary, so you will need to make a duplicate of the template before the link expires.